STS-K060 Window Intercom System


STS-A31H Speech Transfer Driver, STS-SU1-SS Stainless Steel Staff Unit Microphone and Speaker, STS-B90-SS Customer Speaker and Microphone Slimline Bridge Bar Unit, PS-55 Power Supply, and under-the-counter hearing loop aerial.

The Contacta STS-K060 Window Intercom System comes complete as a kit, ready for installation. The system consists of a sleek, stainless steel slimline bridge bar unit with a glass-mounted microphone on the customer side and a free-standing staff microphone and speaker unit. The staff unit contains a mute button to allow for additional privacy on the staff side when needed. The STS-K060 also includes a duplex amplifier, signage, and an under-the-counter hearing loop aerial.23

The STS-K060 Window Intercom System is an excellent option for installation in environments with a high level of ambient noise. for locations where vandalism is a concern.

*Optional voice recording output available. Contact Smart Hearing Technology to add this option to your order.


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